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Logging (PSR-5)

Default logging library is Koded Logging.



Demand an instance of PSR-5 Psr\Log\LoggerInterface in your methods, DI container will inject the configured log instance.


  public function something(LoggerInterface $log) {
    // ...

Setup logging

Logger library is configured in the \ application configuration for the App instance.


return [
  'logging' => [
    'timezone' => 'UTC',
    'dateformat' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u'
    'loggers' => [
        'class' => \Koded\Logging\Processors\Cli::class,
        'format' => '[levelname] message',
        'levels' => -1

The conf key loggers is a list of Koded\Logging\Log log processor implementations. By default only one log processor is registered that processes all log levels.