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CORS middleware

Use the configuration to set the desired behavior of your application CORS middleware.

# config.php


return [
  'cors.origin'  => '',
  'cors.methods' => '',
  'cors.headers' => '',
  'cors.expose'  => 'Authorization, X-Forwarded-With',
  'cors.maxAge'  => 0,
  'cors.disable' => false,

Configuration directives

CORS config directives will set the global behavior of the middleware. For example, if cors.methods has a value of GET, POST then only these two methods are allowed for all CORS requests. The same applies to all settings.

Directive Type Default
cors.origin string (empty) The server origin address as in schema://host:port (if the port is not a standard port)
cors.methods string (empty) Comma-separated list of supported HTTP methods
cors.headers string (empty) Comma-separated list of supported headers
cors.expose string Authorization, X-Forwarded-With Comma-separated list of exposed headers
cors.maxAge int 0 max-age header for OPTIONS request (before the actual request is called)
cors.disable bool false This directive will completely disable the middleware