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Exception handling

By default, the following exceptions are caught and handled

  • \Exception
  • \Error
  • Koded\Http\HTTPError

The error response payload follows the RFC-7807 specification.

If you wish to capture specific exception types and/or return custom error messages, create your own class and register it with the method App::withErrorHandler() to convert the exceptions into the desired HTTP responses.

handle() method signature

handle(request, response, exception): void

If app does not use 3rd party PSR-7 library, then Koded will use its own implementations from the Koded HTTP library.


# CustomExceptionHandler.php

use Koded\Framework\App;
use Koded\Http\HTTPError;
use Koded\Http\Interfaces\{Request, Response};

class CustomExceptionHandler {

    public static function handle(
        Request $request,
        Response $response,
        HTTPError $exception): void
        // do something with $exception
        // i.e. re-format the error message and set it in the response

Register handler

Register before routes() method

Order matters. It is required to register the custom exception handlers BEFORE the routes, otherwise they won't be handled if the request/route has been resolved.


# index.php

((new App)
    ->route(/* ... */)

This implementation is using a PSR-7 compatible library and a standard PHP Throwable class.


use Psr\Http\Message\{ServerRequestInterface, ResponseInterface};

class PDOExceptionHandler {

    public static function handle(
        ServerRequestInterface $request,
        ResponseInterface $response,
        \Throwable $exception): void
        if ($exception instanceof \PDOException) {
            // do something about it

Unregister handler

Use App::withoutErrorHandler() method to remove the error handler.

Unregister after custom handlers

Order matters. Unregister the exception handlers AFTER the custom registration, otherwise they won't be removed.


# index.php

((new App)

    ->route(/* ... */)